Monday, 13 June 2011

Artist block ’n stuff

There comes a point in life, certainly in mine, where inspiration fails. When i was young ideas just fell out of my head – paintings, ideas for cartoons, usually from everyday situations. Now they don’t and it’s a bit of a bugger. I always sort of believed that “I paint therefore I am….”.  So I’m now trying to relax and draw anything that comes into my head. Where we live, in a valley in the middle of Portugal, there’s no stimulus to be had from other artist’s company really. There’s no doubt that living in a big city provides much more of that! However the quality of life there, without oodles of dosh isn’t so good…. Anyway, here’s todays outbursts, one old, one hot off the desk.
How a favourite artist of mine tries to cope…


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hallo Broiyan....good legs xxxxx

    Keep up the good work babe.
